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Medical Rubber contribute to healthcare and patient wellbeing:Rubber in medical
devices plays a critical role in healthcare and patient wellbeing. Silicones are often used
to make medical rubber tubes, catheters and valves because of their inherent
characteristics: biocompatibility (absence of hemolysis and of tissue and bacterial
adhesion), chemical inertness, purity, transparency, high-performance physical
properties and stability across a wide range of environmental conditions.
Product Description Medical Rubber contribute to healthcare and patient wellbeing:Rubber in medical
devices plays a critical role in healthcare and patient wellbeing. Silicones are often used
to make medical rubber tubes, catheters and valves because of their inherent
characteristics: biocompatibility (absence of hemolysis and of tissue and bacterial
adhesion), chemical inertness, purity, transparency, high-performance physical
properties and stability across a wide range of environmental conditions.
Product Category Medical Tubes
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